Since my last post, we had another Mile Hi Knitters knit nite at Cathi's. The twist was this time, we got to meet a visiting blogger, Wendyof Bookish Girl Fame!

Wendy came into town to visit her best friend who lives in Louisville. In the picture, she is teaching Julie to knit, bringing her over to the dark side! Heehee!
It was a fun night and Cathi is always the consummate hostess. Red velvet cupcakes, yum! They looked so delicious, but I'd already tried the cheesecake and stopped there, but it was worth it. I shamelessly borrowed a pic from Stacey of Wendy, as my camera pics sucked and I don't think anyone would have appreciated my pics of them!
Since then, a little knitting has been happening. I was little bummed with the blue tank top as I'd done a good bit and then had to rip it all out. My gauge changed from 2 years ago (imagine that!) and I had to change the amount of stitches. I've started up again and am a little past where I started before, but this weekend has been a nice lazy one with a little knitting and a lot of lazing around.
Saturday I didn't do much, some knitting, a lot of What Not to Wear, I mean, really, who doesn't love this show? Ok, maybe someone, but I love it. And then out to lunch w/my sweetie M and one of the junior M's and then out for bra shopping. I did find the bra. Which it is sad when you go into the store looking for a strapless bra, which is not on sale, mind you and the lady says in one brand, Wonderbra, I don't think they go up that high (in my size). WTH? It's not like I'm a 42GG, we are talking 38C, geez, that made me feel great!
And what's up with the crazy purse selections out there? Usually I can find good purses at Foley's in Liz Claiborne or Nine West, but this weekend, nothing remotely resembled anything that I wanted and I am in need of a purse, so I would have bought something, although I'm sure M is relieved. It was a drag though.
Sunday was a nice relaxing day. We thought we would get up and go for a walk, but at 10:45 a.m., it was bright and sunny (read: beginning to get hot), so we nixed the walk, but instead, played in the pool. So much fun, especially since it was the first time we've used the pool in our condo complex. Last summer was too hectic. This summer has been a little dramatic, so it was nice to start off the day that way, before I had to run back home, take a shower, eat lunch and rush off to work at EB that evening. But it was done, not too bad of a day and came back home to relax a bit more.
Oh, and let me state for the record now, no more knitting with worsted weight cotton or bulky cotton, at least not for summer wear. Because no matter how tightly you knit it, it still grows and that is very annoying for me. From now on, dk-weight is the way to go.
As far as what to knit next, I think I will be starting Tivoli soon, not so sure if I will still do Soleil or not. We'll see. Right now, it's getting close to the end of the month and in August, I want to finish up summer knits and get ready for fall knitting and I don't want to be too ambitious. I did decide to make Tivoli out of some cream-colored Classic Elite Believe which is cotton and rayon. I think it will be very nice. Now just trying to decide how to make this top not roll around the edges. I've read about the knitted hem on the bottom, but wondering if ribbing would work around the edges of the sleeves and neck line. Since it's a top-down raglan, I'm wondering if I would have to go back and pick up stitches to make it lay down. Rolling edges are not my thing at all.
All for now, catch you later . . .I think it's time to make a blueberry crisp, recipe courtesy of Julie and perhaps sorbet. Yum! This time at home thing isn't all bad.
Update: One last thing, I got added to the Knitting Blogs ring. Woo-hoo!