The title of this post doesn't mean any unidentified objects, but rather, unfinished objects. Unfinished knitting objects, of course. Reading a few blogs got me thinking.
Chris suggested that we take out all our WIPs and take a picture of them. She was feeling a bit overwhelmed by her WIPs and was wondering if she needs a knitting intervention. Then along the same vein,
Cyn posted about her KADD and bouts of startitis. I was working on Seraphim and have finished it, however with the rain we had this weekend, I haven't been able to take a decent shot of the finished item. Hopefully in the next couple of days I can get a photo. Since then, I've been plugging away on regular projects, although this weekend I didn't get much knitting done.
M2's birthday was on Thursday and now we have a teenager on our hands, oh the horror. But we took him out to dinner on Friday evening, as well as a little birthday present. Then M2 had a friend over to spend the night and they hung out all day, played games on the Xbox and went to a movie. We couldn't take them to the outdoor park we planned, as it was raining all day and Sunday the weather didn't change either, so they only got to go to LaserQuest and play lasertag, but the whole weekend was all about M2. I was happy for Sunday evening when I could have my house back and only have one teenager instead of two. So the knitting was sparse until last night, then the sock love continued.
I finally cast on for the second of the Opal "Doktorfish" socks last week and am now past the heel decreases. I expect they should be done soon, probably by this week's end.
So with all of that in mind, I've been wanting to cast on for something new, but nothing is quite right. Should I start more lace? Maybe the Claudia's Handpaint yarn in Plumicious for Charlotte's Web or perhaps the Flower Basket Shawl pattern? Perhaps a stockinette top, Picovoli or Mesilla (without all the extra embellishments, just a solid color) or nothing? Just can't decide.
Instead I pull out my UFOs. These are bugging me a little bit. In the picture below, you will see all of my UFOs, which are really not so bad.
First up, is the Fair Isle Jazz scarf. This scarf will definitely be finished, but right now, not feeling the wool love. Too hot to knit on, but I may pack it up and work on it this weekend, we'll see. Then there is a Lorna's Laces sock in a pinky color that I couldn't figure out what I wanted to do. I believe I will use the Dublin Bay socks pattern. So that is determined and once I finish up these socks, I will start those. The ribbing is already done, so I'm ready to just start the pattern. Lastly though are the i-cord gloves. I'm still torn on if I will finish them, as the fingers are all done as you can see. Just need to attach them and then knit the hand, which wouldn't be too difficult, I'm just not that enthused about this project anymore. I want to abandon it, but if I do, those little bits of yarn will be useless to incorporate into a new project as I wouldn't want to weave in all those ends, so if I don't use it, it's a waste of yarn. Hmm. My inclination is to go ahead and finish it, so it's over.

Technically, Spork is also a U*F*O*, b/c I still need to sew it up and felt it and attach the hardware. If Cyn finishes hers, then I'll be motivated to finish it. For all that effort, it would have been more cost-effective to buy the real bag! Oh well. And Bliss, that Rowan cardi is still languishing waiting for a zipper. I did finally send away for the zipper last week and it arrived in the mail this weekend. I'll probably drop it off at my LYS this week and get the zipper installed. The nice thing was when I blocked Seraphim, I also blocked Bliss prior to that. Originally when I tried on Bliss after seaming it, it was a bit tight. I made size 40", but because it was a cardi, I needed more room and thought I could only wear a lightweight tee and that defeated the purpose of me making this cardi to wear at work. After blocking, the fabric bloomed and I gained some much needed inches across the chest, so that I can wear a shirt or sweater underneath the cardi now with no problem and the underarms are no longer tight. I guess that's why people say you should wash the gauge swatch! ;-) I was quite happy about it.
I should have some Seraphim pics soon.