I figured I should get in one last post before the end of the month. Lest I post tomorrow and you all think it is a joke (April Fool's Day and all). Today is actually my 2 year blogiversary! When I first started blogging, I never imagined that the community of knitters I would read from afar would welcome me into the fold. It's been great being here meeting knitters in real life as well as in blogland. I'm glad to be here.
And as a small thank you to you all, I'm having a little contest.
The rules are as follows: (please note the rules have been updated as of 03 Apr 07, 7:51 p.m. MDT)
1. If you'd like to see the prizes I'm giving away, go here or click on the web album link on the sidebar.
2. For sock yarn, leave a comment or send me an email why you'd like the sock yarn. If you're a first time sock knitter or fairly new, you're especially encouraged to delurk and leave a comment for a shot. I'll determine who I will give sock yarn too. I am giving away yarn for 4 sock projects, including Regia Jacquard, Trekking, Socks that Rock lightweight (Peaseblossom) and Claudia's Handpaint (Plumicious).
3. There is 3 projects worth of yarn being given away.
4. Lastly, 2 hanks of laceweight, enough for a fairly large project, 1375 yds and 1315 yds.
5. The deadline is Tuesday, April 10th at 12 midnight MDT.
6. There are a total of 9 prizes to be given away.
7. Please only leave a comment with a reason why you should win a prize for sock yarn only. Feel free to leave a comment requesting an entry for every other project. If you would like to be entered only for a specific project, such as lace, leave that in the comments too.
8. Good luck.
Lastly in the knitty news, some updated pictures of the Chevron scarf. I really do love how it's turning out. I do wonder what one skein each will net me in length. Currently almost 3 1/2 feet and I've still got quite a bit of yarn. Who knows?

And a closeup: