Besides school, work has been keeping me crazy busy. The days when I used to read blogs and surf them in between doing some work, hmm, yeah, don't even have that kind of time at the new(ish) job anymore. Which is good, because the job is hugely rewarding and satisfying. But the backlog of blog reading, hard to catch up on, that's for sure. Sporadically you see me drop in an leave a comment. Often I'm reading, but not as much time to comment on everyone.
I have been doing some knitting, although there was a period for almost two weeks where multiple days passed with no knitting, except for Friday Night Knitting group.
Just to let you know, this post will be a long one, so sit down with your cup of coffee and get settled in.
I've got a backlog of FOs and I decided to put them all in one post b/c I didn't want to keep up a FO parade before I could even get to current knitting.
As part of my April goals, where I wanted to knit 3 dishcloths, I did manage to eke two. The first is the Blissful Moss Rib Cloth pattern using Peaches & Creme in the Green Apple colorway. Pretty easy pattern and I loved the colorway as I knit it up. I just wanted more of it. I also enjoyed this pattern. Very easy and simple and I know I will use it again.
The next FO to be displayed is the Seabreeze Kitchen Towel(alert, pdf download)by Kraemer Yarns. I used Peaches & Creme in the Seabreeze colorway, hence the name, and it calls for Kraemer's Tatamy Tweed, an acrylic and cotton yarn. I haven't yet used the yarn, but now I know I will be buying some for future towels. The yardage is great and the price very economical. I am sure I will knit this pattern again, although I may just use the stitch pattern and make a dishtowel that doesn't have the button. The button is cute, but not very functional for my use, but I do like the stitch pattern and would like it as a full size dishtowel to hang on the refrigerator.
Next up is the Sideways Garter Stitch Scarf from Alison of the Blue Blog. It's a ridiculously easy pattern and it took no time for me to finish. I knit this scarf out of leftover yarns and I still have plenty leftover too. I'm thinking of knitting the Yarn Harlot's Traveler's Life Afghan, pattern/recipe from the Casts Off book by YH. I used Araucania Nature Wool in 3 colors and the leftover Cascade 220 from my Ariann sweater. I finally finished the fringe on this scarf and I do like it. I've actually thought about making myself a striped hat to semi-match. It doesn't bother me to be matchy matchy, so I will probably do this.
Lastly, the Jaybird hoodie has finally been finished. I've knit this pattern before. This time it was for a bigger child. It is from Knitting Pure and Simple, Children's Tunic #232. I knit this for my friend's 1 year old son, who is pretty big for his size. I gifted the sweater on Friday and his mother was very excited. I hope to have a picture of him in it soon. And I even sewed on the button on the sweater, finally!
Finally made it through the fo backlog. In the past week, I've really gotten my knitting mojo back. I also noticed it came back as I started reading again. Weird how that happens. I was starting to get burnt out from school and felt like I needed a break. Once I started reading for fun, my stress levels reduced again.
Because this is getting so long, I'm going to quickly list my May knitting goals.
1. Knit three dishcloths. Hopefully I can manage this goal. I'm trying to knit down the dishcloth cotton stash.
2. Finish the Caribou Cherub Thujas. I'm actually pretty close with finishing this pair of socks, but it looks like the first sock is a bit short. I'll have to go back and rip out the toe and reknit a bit longer.
3. Start a Barn Raising square. All of my friends are doing it, why shouldn't I? Heehee.
4. Pick up either the Hanami stole or the Enchanting Juno stole. Or perhaps start something new? :-)
It's getting late and this post is going on forever. Suffice it to say, I don't have many goals for May. See ya soon.
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