Either way, it was a wonderful experience, one that I was most fortunate to experience a second time. For many of my friends, it was the first time they were able to hear and meet the Harlot. Stephanie is very down-to-earth and has no illusions about her rock star status in the world of knitdom.
Here's Stephanie blogging us at the Tattered Cover in Highlands Ranch:
I arrived early for the event and managed to snag a cool second or third place spot. We couldn't sit on the front row on the left side, as it was reserved, but I was happy, nonetheless. You can see me on Stephanie's blog in her wrap-up of the Denver leg of the tour. I'm in the first picture on the second row in green and knitting up a storm. The Harlot is always funny and very insightful. I believe a good time was had by all. Over 200 knitters were in attendance, much to the bemusement of the other shoppers and some of the TC staff, who were not knitters. One of the bookstore's staff was overheard saying, "And the knitters are in the back. Those knitters tend to come in packs." Hahaha! That made me laugh so much. Hilarious, but true.
And lastly, another shot of the Harlot, which most of you already saw. But I did think it was a cute way to show progress of my sock at that time and who better than the Harlot? Although I have to say, the sock has not seen much action since then.
Toodles all and Go Obama in the PA primary today!
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