I did finish it (over two summers). The first side went much slower than I expected, but I don't knit stitch patterns as much in garments, but once I got used to it, the second side went very quickly. Once I seamed it and tried it on, meh. Really not excited by this one at all. I wore it to work one day and still pretty blah about it.
The biggest problem is it's not flattering to my body. It's okay, just not very figure-flattering. The first problem that I didn't notice b/c the first one I saw was on someone and then I haven't seen it in awhile, so it's based on my memory is just how low the front and back are. Now I've got cleavage to spare and then some, so not the problem. But the neckline isn't working the girls, it's just there. A nice plunging V would really benefit them, or a square neck or a round neck, but perhaps a smidge higher. The neckline is very open, which is okay, but I felt very exposed all day wearing it. Secondly the straps are too skinny. They barely cover my bra straps and cami (that was required with the laciness of the pattern). It was pretty annoying.
Thirdly, I should have known better since there was no shaping in the pattern at all. I learned last year that I really do prefer some shaping. However, because this is ribbing, it does cling to your curves, but I just don't care for it.
This is why you should really pay attention to the pattern and your body type. I guess for me, I do still have problems determining what is a good fit or not.

Pattern: Lacy Tank
Yarn: Schachenmayer Nomotta Rainbow 6 skeins
Needle size: US 5
Project Completion-August 2006-July 2007
Mods: None-super simple project to knit, no shaping, just a stitch pattern
Fit: D-
Wearablity: F
Overall feeling of this top: Meh!
And there you have it. Your thoughts on this project/pattern are welcomed.
I am still knitting, working on other projects. I'm down to one pair of socks on my needles. I decided to give the Opal Caterpillar socks to M2. Even though they are a bit high for him, he said he would still wear them. Next, I'll cast on a pair of socks for M. He's deserving of a pair, but man is he ever picky. I got him to agree to a pair of Trekking socks in shades of black/grey. I think he's scared I will give him some wildly variegated socks and expect that he wear them. See, this is why I buy lots of black socks in bulk! Boring man socks, but at least the man-friendly Trekking has something for me too. He thinks I will be knitting them in stockinette, but little does he know. I'll do the Thujas and see what he thinks. Or some other simple pattern, not too much patterning for him.
My computer is still actually working, so I'm not sure about the virus thing, but I've backed up everything to be sure. I'm sick of spending so much time on my computer lately, so I've just backed away from it for awhile. What you don't realize when you get a laptop and add WiFi is that you spend so much time on it.
While I love Ravelry, I've decided to use it as a repository to add projects to queue, look up projects instead of googling them and keeping stash up to date. I don't have the time to spend chatting on various forums. School has started again for M2 and now it's high school. I'm getting old when high school algebra is starting to stump me! Gah.
Okay, back to my cave.
p.s. Thanks again for all the lovely cards I received. I must post soon with my array of cards and a beautiful package from Joan. Thanks to Cozy and Bron for my singing cards!