Friday, June 10, 2011

Before & Well, Now

In the past year, I've become an avid exercise buff, primarily doing cardio (spinning, swimming, elliptical and bike riding), along with strength training.  Prior to that, I worked sporadically and never consistently. After having some health issues, I finally decided to do something about my weight, which was a primary factor in my digestive issues. As I'd always wanted to learn how to swim, but had problems mastering breathing, I was never successful with swimming. Fueled by my desire to attempt to learn to swim (yet again) last summer, I took swimming lessons at my local recreation center. In order to build my endurane, I started practicing kicking with the kickboard and taking aqua aerobics.


While I did not learn how to swim last summer, I continued to work out and then later worked with a swim coach and learned how to swim this year, finally. I ran across some old photos yesterday and decided to post them.


It's not a before & after, because I am, after all, a work in progress, but rather a before and now.


When looking at the pictures, I can truly see a difference. Over 2 years, I've lost about 30 pounds and still have another 20-30 lbs to go. But I am very happy with the changes in my body and feel that I am much healthier than I've ever been.


With all the fitness enthusiasm, sadly, my knitting productivity has waned. I'd like to think that it will pick up at some point, but I'm not sure if that's going to happen again or not. I've still been knitting, but mostly socks and it's off and on, more off than on.


That's all for today.



Carole Knits said...

I think it's fantastic that you have done this for yourself. I keep hoping I'll become enthusiastic about exercise but it hasn't happened yet. I have exercised more regularly this year but I still find lots of excuses to skip it.

Kara said...

That is the best WIP post ever. You are awesome and look amazing. Keep up the great work!

Nik said...

I'm too proud of you ;D

Yarny Days said...

Thats really inspirational! Thanks for sharing your story...

WandaWoman said...

Thanks everyone! I really thought I'd responded to this post, but I think I must have just emailed people back. Nice to see some people still are reading out there.